Puked while giving head

I’ve read a post on here before that someone was giving head and accidentally puked while giving head to a guy, I read it and laughed it off thing that it would never happen to me.. well today was my lucky day for that to happen. So this guy I’m fwb wanted a bj so we went to a private place in his car and proceaded to give him head, well my legs started to hurt since the back seat of a car isn’t so roomy so I was trying to pick up the pace and started to deep throat him and even tho I gagged a bit like I always do so I thought nothing of it till I had him all in my mouth and then I puked😕. It wasn’t a lot like when you get the flu just a few specks but I was so embarrassed and couldn’t do anymore because of how embarrassed I was and how badly my legs were shaking and hurting but thankfully the guy I’m fwb is my best friend of 4 years and just kept on laughing about it after we finished and cleaned everything and went up to McDonald’s to get breakfast. Have this ever happened to anyone else if so please comment on how I can stop being so embarrassed about it.