What would you do?!

So my husband and I would like to try for our 4th baby and last but timing is everything to me this go around. Short background...we have an 8 year old, 3 & a half year old and an almost 2 year old. None of which were planned. I want to be pregnant before the year is up considering the current kids ages and not wanting a large gap between them. My husband isn’t as concerned about this though. Here’s the question... originally I wanted to try this month for a March baby because that was the month I lost both of my grandparents unfortunately and instead of it being a sad month I wanted to make it a happy one (hopefully) but now I’m thinking a May or June baby because husband likes having summer babies as do I and June would be my grandparents wedding anniversary (which is more than likely around the due date of baby if we get pregnant) Other issue is my sister in law and her husband are doing through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and my husband thinks it’s in poor taste for us to try for our 4th as they try for their 1st. I have shared mine and my husbands feelings with my sister in-law about us wanting a 4th sooner rather than later too and she was completely fine with it and happy for us.

So the question do I listen to my husband and hold off out of respect to them or just do what we want? Second if we do try for another baby do I go for a March baby? Or a May more preferably June baby? What would you do?! 😩