Positive & Negative Tests..


Hi guys, just looking for some advice.. I took a Clear Blue test on the 7/6/19 it said “Pregnant 1-2 weeks” usin my first urine sample of the day.. I then went to the doctor yesterday 11/6/19 his test came up negative. He said it could well be because I’m quite early on & it wasn’t my first urine sample of the day.. He then sent me to get my bloods done I’m waitin on these results which they said will take a few days.. The nurse then told me to take another test myself at home as she reckoned the ones in the pharmacy are more accurate than theirs just for peace of mind.. She was aware I’d suffered a miscarriage a few months ago.. So I did another test & it also said “Pregnant 1-2 weeks”.. I had a very small amount of like brown discharge yesterday afternoon & some more today.. It’s not red just brown.. I’m aware this could just be implantation spottin.. However, when I had the miscarriage this is how it started off then by the following night it turned to proper blood.. I’m sorry for the long post I’m basically just wondering has anybody here had a similar experience with a positive outcome?..