A sign of hope


On May 31st, I took my first pregnancy test. My husband and I were trying but to see the positive was a shock. I was in complete disbelief and overwhelmed with excitement. I took 4 pregnancy tests just to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. I told my husband the next day and then our parents on Sunday. I know it was early but mine live out of town and we couldn’t pass on the opportunity to tell them together. There were tears of happiness and lots of hugs. It would be the first grand-baby on both sides. My biggest fear came true on June 4th. I started to spot then full out bleed. I went to the hospital and nothing could be seen in the ultrasound.. not unusual as I was just about 5 weeks. My levels were lower than the doctor would like but still in the acceptable range. We were told to come back in 2 days to retest my levels. As much as we wanted to remain hopeful, we knew our chances weren’t good. We let out our emotion and even though we expected it, the news of my levels dropping was heartbreaking. I had a miscarriage. All the months of trying, the relief of getting a positive and my lifelong dream of being a mom vanished before my eyes. It was gone as quickly as it came. I cried. I mourned. I ate. It was and still is the hardest days of my life. My husband’s cousin was talking to me yesterday about a rainbow baby.. today, on my way to work, I saw this rainbow and tears rolled down my eyes. I seek comfort in this knowing that one day I will get my rainbow baby. I will be a mom and my dreams will be a reality. This is a sign and reminder to anyone out there who is dealing with loss or is in need of hope. Be positive. Our time will come ❤️