Love is blind


A little over year i was engaged to a guy i had been with since i was 18. He was extreamly controlling and our relationship had many ups and downs. Being young and naive and him being older then me i just always listened and did what he said even if i didnt necessary want to. However, i did love him and wanted things to work, even though we had our bad days, to the point my depression had gotten so bad. We were together for almost 4 years when he broke off our engment, my heart was crush only for me to find out about a week later it was because he was cheating on me. Thats right he cheated on me and ended thing, when i comfronted him about it while packing my things he admitted it, to only 2 days later come crawling back and asking me to come home.... the girl he cheated on me with wouldnt leave her bf for him, after he left me for her. He was crazy to even ask that, hell nk you threw away all we had.


a few months after the split a close friend of mine and i became even closer, we decided screw the friendzone, we were gunna try for something more. Me and him have been together for about a year now and will be moving into our first place together in AUG. Ladies let me tell you, never stick around with someone that puts you down and dosent see your worth, when you find someone who truly loves and appreciates you, it is honestly the best feeling in the world.