Need a little help? What would you do in this situation sorry for the long paragraph

I have severe anxiety and depression I’m 12 weeks pregnant and my anxiety has gotten completely worse and so has my boyfriends actions towards me. Over the last couple weeks with my anxiety and concerns because things have been sketchy with him. And I questioned him about it. So tonight we were having sex and I orgasmed so hard that I had pooped during sex. This is my first pregnancy very new to everything I didn’t know what to say. So I laugh and said babe can you stop I just had a accident. I said I pooped. Got up cleaned of the bed. He didn’t wanna finish after that. So of course I felt ashamed and I felt really bad. My anxiety was getting worse and worse. I asked him a couple questions more. I was crying right after it happened. He told me why do you bring this to me take it somewhere else. I asked him if he could comfort me and just talk to me to let me know everything is ok. He got pissed off and started saying rude and hurtful things saying you should come to me when your like this. I said who else am I suppose to come to when he gets mad when I go to other people cause he also doesn’t express his feeling to me he holds them back. He tells me people aren’t suppose to be emotional and cry and want comfort and reassurance at the same time. How am I suppose to take this mommas? What would you do?