How am I supposed to bring a child into this evil world

Soul • Jesus and my hubby and my lil blob growing in my belly and of course my pups 💕🙏🏾🤰🏾

I’m worried about brining my child into this world full of so much evil. When the people who are supposed to help us are hurting us on purpose ? Because they have a badge or they are a doctor ? And you are legally mentally disabled ? And you are pregnant and you have DID and 105 personalities and severe ptsd from being raped from age 5-19 and you go to the hospital cuz you and your child are going to die....

you go for help and they abuse you. Hurt you and your husband says stop what your doing calmly and they refuse. So he says no seriously this is her 6 year old personality and she never acts like this or cries or screams like they ever. Something is very wrong and they bring the cops in to arrest him for trying to help you ? The separate us for 8 hours when we can’t be separated because he is my legal guardian and care taker and no one knows how to work with DID but him every doctor has said so. So I tell them if he can’t stay I’m can’t stay. I try to stand .. everything goes black I pass out. I wake up and he says ill face time you but they won’t let me stay or they will arrest me... they keep me in a room for 8 hours not helping me or my child. Not telling us what is happening. Or if my child is okay ? I rip the machines I’m hooked up to off my body. I’m covered in blood and I run out of the hospital. My husband runs back I. And says she needs her paper work and to know what’s wrong with the baby and her ? They phone the cops and only I’m allowed to hear the news. We say at you fucking kidding me ? She won’t even understand what you are telling her ? I’m her care giver by law ? I need to know what’s going on. The nurse says fuck your bro. Calling the fucking cops on your ass....

What kind of world is this .... this is not one for my angel my child my everything 😢