Feeling so lost


I was referred to the early pregnancy unit for pain in my back and they have done two scans and HCG blood tests.

My blood results on Monday were 1100 and yesterday 2087. The Dr said it's not doubling every 48 hours and has already said it's only going to be an ectopic or a failing pregnancy.

I'm suppose to be 6 weeks 3 days as my last period started 1 may. I didn't get a positive OPK until 17 May.

My scans just show an empty sac within the uterus. They won't call it a gestational sac as it has nothing inside it :(

It's growing in size as Monday it measured 4mm then Thursday it measured 4.6mm and today 6mm but absolutely nothing inside

Apart from the total sadness of them saying either way it's a lost pregnancy I'm also scared it's ectopic as that's quite dangerous.

I get one final scan in 9 days and then a decision will be made.

I feel so sad and scared.