My BIG issue


I have a big problem and I don't know what to do about it😢😢😢😢. So I have an anxiety disorder and I don't know which one I have but I'm constantly worrying about someone and, its bothering me so bad and I can't stop thinking about it or it won't go away. Only time it goes away is when I'm asleep but wen I wake up it comes back in a few hours 😭😭😭😭. The person I worry about.... I want to tell him that I have anxiety and I constantly worry/afraid but I never told anyone about this before. Actually I never spoken about this to anyone before. 😭😭😭😭 I'm also afraid of he won't understand were I'm coming from or how I feel. I try to not think about, like for example I distract myself .... By watching Netflix or listen to music or reading a book but some how tht some times doesn't work❗❗❗❗ 😭😭😭😥😥😥 does have this same problem like me or have anxiety and don't know wat to do about this 🤷🏽

I need help .... BIG TIME