5 week’s and spotting and totally freaking out.


Hello mommies to be.

(Long story, so sorry)

I am 44yrs old have a 26yrs old daughter the only pregnancy I ever had, I was 17 when I got pregnant, Struggled to conceive for more than 18yrs in my marriage that ended in divorce in 2017. I had totally given up on the dream of being pregnant 🤰🏽 ever again.

Now I am just dating one awesome guy Chris it’s been a year.

Fast forward I have fibroids which I had planned on removing when I was done writing my exams in June, booked an appointment with the gynae, for the 14 June, during all of this, I happen to have missed my period for the first time ever in my life (now I am thinking menopause) went in to my OBGYN on Friday bloods drawn and I was shocked 😳 nearly fell off my chair, when she confirmed I was 4 weeks 6days( best news ever in over 20yrs) I totally want this baby for me, for us, now I am so totally scared to be too happy and excited, I am so anxious, the sad thing is...... damn fibroids are there too😔.

My biggest worry is I have been spotting since the day I have been expecting my period, alternate days, pinkish blood. Now that I know I am pregnant 🤰🏽,I can’t sleep fear of loosing this miracle. I feel wet I run to the bathroom, I wake up from the bed I check my sheets, smdh 🤦🏽‍♀️ I am so paranoid. I want the spotting to stop.

I have been reading comments from other mommies some give me hope some really freak me out and gets me in tears.

Given my situation ( my age, my only daughters age gab to this pregnancy and the fibroids) what are my chances of having a success with my pregnancy? (which I already day dream it’s a boy💙)

Ps: I haven’t told anyone about my pregnancy I still can not believe it’s happening to me after all I have been through in my life and in my failed marriage, I don’t know when should I tell or how long should I wait before I tell, I am a mess.

Is there anyone my age who succeeded?