UPDATE! BFP and only 7dpo... does that mean something is wrong?


Had an early miscariage in january.

I tested today on a whim (bc its fathers day) and I got what I consider to be a VERY strong positive.

Had a pos opk on the 8th (assumed I ovulated in the 9th bc I dont temp)

Could such a strong positive this early indicate that the egg implanted in a fallopian tube?

I'm just not even sure WHAT my emotions should be right now. It just seems so likely that things wont work out....I'm afraid to let myself even think about being excited! (I actually took 2 tests because I didn't believe it. The one on top is the one I took first)

Just heard from my dr. And she says my numbers look like I'm 5 weeks of! So probably my last period was a fluke...

HOWEVER I am having my pre af spotting, and I'm A- blood type so I have to go in for a rogam shot right now and more bloodwork!