Fighting back tears

Jess • 👼🏻👼🏻 + 🤱🏼🌈 + 🤰🏼#2

A little background... we’ve lost 2 babies & have no live babies. First one stopped growing at 10 weeks, second at 10 weeks 2 days.

I’m currently 7 weeks pregnant and am keeping it a secret til after 10 weeks. My mom knows only since she works at a lab place and sees my results. My dad or other family and friends don’t know.

I’m at my moms house now for Father’s Day and I’m laying down and my 10 year old brother comes and rubs my head and says “you’re going to have a baby” I was like what? Why do you say that... and he was like “because you will. you’re going to have a baby soon. When you turn 27” and just walks away.

(My birthday is next week so I’d be 27 when this one is born (god willing)

My mom and I just stared at each other in shock. Im not very religious but I sure hope this was a sign ❤️😞