help pls


Pls read this! rly need help and ik ow it’s quite alot to read, but my dad doesn’t no anything about it and my mam has passed away so we don’t rly no what to do.

iknow i’ve posted something snootiest this the other day just wanted to say more about it

so i used to b super heavy on my period and it would last almost 9 days and my cramps were so painful i could barely move , i’m allergic to ibuprofen and paracetamol is too weak for me. so the doctor put me on Microgynon and he told me i would not come on my period if i didn’t take any breaks and my cramps would go away, I haven’t missed any of my pills and i came on my period it was so light just. a little circle on my knickers so i thought it would just be normal saying as it was super light after the 3/4 day i became soo heavy i leaked through my tampon through my knickers and onto my pants and my cramps were soo bad i was in agony i couldn’t move at all, then i took my tampon out (sorry this is abit yucky) there was like a blood clot on my knickers and on my tampon. so idk what to do? should i go to the doctors? like i shouldn’t even b coming on my period never mind being this heavy and in this much pain PLS HELP!!! x