I hate my life

So I had came out to my small group of "friends" That I'm bisexual and I asked if they wouldn't say anything to anyone and they said yes. Well they lied they told the whole 8th grade and now this boy won't stop harassing me I even recently got into a fist fight with him bc he said something ab me that's personal he also called me the N word with a hard R so I suffer from ADHD and Bipolar disorder so I get very angry very quickly and I snapped after he said those things to me so I pushed him. He fell back and then punched me in the face near my right temple almost knocking me out he then slapped me once he hit me I saw nothing but pure red I lunged at him with all of my strength and knocked him down stood over him and started punching him in the face fast forward his phone fell out of his pocket I grabbed it and smashed it on the ground.

After that fight everybody hated me like ignored completely bullied everyday kicked out of my lunch table I was eating in the bathrooms I became really depressed I stopped showering my grades went from A's and B's to D's and F's I couldn't sleep I couldn't eat I lost 10 pounds in a week I hit rock bottom and this is where my suicide attempt takes place.

I was in my room in a sweater and sweatpants curled into a ball on my phone reading snaps from all of my bullied telling me to "kill myself you bisexual whore" "I bet your mom wishes that you're dead" "Go to hell you failed abortion" And ect after I read all of those I had yet another panic attack and a breakdown I wasn't thinking right I wasn't ok mentally I'm not allowed to have my door closes cause I've been self harming yet I still close my door. WARNING THIS PART MAY BE GRAPHIC: I opened my bedroom window I climbed until I was sitting on the roof of my house, I stood up getting ready to try and take my life, u was about to jump until I felt my older brothers arms wrap around me and pull me down I looked up at him and just started crying, he hugged me tight and then carried me to my room there was a police officer my mom and my dad when I saw the officer I lost it I sprinted out of my house my brother chasing after me I looked behind me seeing that he was catching up I tried to run faster but since I wasn't eating and that I couldn't sleep I became light headed and I passed out: fast forward to now I'm doing better way better than I was before my grades are better I can eat I can sleep I'm still not myself but I'm a lot more happier than I was I still struggle with self harm but I'm trying to stop its hard to. Im 14 years old I tried to commit a week before my birthday the bullying still goes on but I'm moving to a better place to get a fresh start thank you guys for reading and this is my story❤