Help a girl out

Megan • 1 miracle babe TTC #2

Okay first, I was told at 16 I most likely have Endo and would most likely have issues getting pregnant. At 21 my fiancé and I conceived our daughter. (She was not planned)! She is now 4 and we are ttc our second. We’re on month 9 and still nothing. My doctor did a work up and said my Endo lining was normal but that I have a dermoid cyst on my ovary and my estrogen levels are high. So now I was told I might have PCOS and not Endo but he’s not sure. I will be having surgery later this month to remove the dermoid cyst.


Has anyone else had a dermoid cyst with Endo?

During my lap surgery can the doctor see if I do in fact have Endo? I meant to ask and forgot.

Also I have terrible cramps every month after ovulation. Usually around 2dpo they start and come and go intel I get my period. My breasts are also so sore, literally can’t touch them right after ovulation, again in tell my period. My doctor looked at me like I was crazy! Is this normal with Endo?