Husband rant

Anyone else about to kill their husbands?

My husband was lucky enough to have a month off after our 2nd was born but my God that was way too long to be off together!

We have barely spoken to each other the last week. He is back to work now and works 3 nights a week so obviously he sleeps solidly in the day without any baby keeping him awake but yet he thinks hes.more tired than me!

We argue about petty things-this morning we are meant to be visiting an preschool for our toddler but he cant be bothered! I then told him off for letting our 5 week old cry it out. He snapped back and said i hold him too much-no idea why he thinks that as I am too busy with the toddler plus doing housework and feeds etc.

Literally sick of him being around. Hes probably in a foul mood because we haven't had sex in about 8 weeks.