NY repeals religious exemption

And now many families in my area are scrambling to make plans for homeschooling next year or moving out of state. Please pray for us. Every loving family should be able to make the decision about what goes into their healthy children’s bodies. Vaccines are not safe 100% of the time- yes anaphylaxis, death, brain swelling, seizures etc. are rare adverse events but where there is any risk there must be informed choice. Since the manufacturers cannot be held liable thanks to the No Fault Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, they are too busy pushing vaccines to have a conversation about safety or cleaner ingredients. Many Christians I know do not want animal or human DNA fragments injected into their children. Again even if you choose to vaccinate I hope that as Christians you find it abhorrent that states are declaring religious rights as something that can be scrapped rather than protected, and pray.. Next in NY they want to start allowing children to be vaccinated without parental consent.