Am I in the wrong?


Long post but I’ll try to make it short. My SO works as a petroleum engineer, he’s gone for 10 days and only off for four. He has been on nights and I’ve been on days so I haven’t really seen him in over a week. Yesterday was obviously Father’s Day and I wanted to do something nice so I made sure I was home before he went to work to give him his gifts. He woke up cranky opened the gift (didn’t say thank you) and went to work. I brushed it off because I know how stressful his job can be. He’s now on swing shift so he was going to be getting home last night around midnight. Side note, my father passed away when I was 7 and being pregnant and it being Father’s Day yesterday really hit hard for me especially because I was alone all day. I text him when I went to bed saying that I loved him and I’d like it if he came to bed when he came home because I missed him. I don’t ask often because I know he likes to de-stress after work. He gets home around 12, comes in the room says he has to send a work email he will be up later, I’m disappointed because I’m sad and also we haven’t had sex in over 20 days. I get up to go pee and go downstairs he’s on his Xbox headset playing his stupid game. I politely say I thought you had an email to send, I told you I’d really like for you to come to bed last night. I INSTANTLY become the bad guy because he wants to play Xbox with his friends. He’s 26 🙄 I explain how hard of a day is and I just want to lay in bed with him. Then the yelling starts, I go upstairs, shut the bedroom door, and start crying he comes up yelling and screaming at me. Now he’s at the point where he’s telling me that he hates me and doesn’t know if he can be with me, tells me he would rather just co-parent. I tell him that’s his decision but if that’s what he wants he needs to leave. He gets on his game talking on his headset and tells his friends “don’t get a girl pregnant they become psycho bitches” the rest of the night goes on with what an AWFUL person I am for fighting with him while he’s trying to play his game... am I in the wrong here?!