Please I need guidance

It’s me again. The 15 year old who thinks she’s pregnant. I feel like shit, I literally want to die. I can’t do this. I’m not even allowed to date and I snuck out to meet a friend and lost my virginity. We used a condom but I think it broke. It’s been four days. My stomach is killing me, I have heart burn, my legs hurt like hell and headaches won’t stop. I feel queasy every time I eat. If I told my parents they’d kill me, disown me. And my mom wants to take me to get bloodwork done soon. I can’t deal with this. I was stupid and regret it. I know I fucked up. Please I need advice. I can’t breath I’m so fucking stressed I jus wanna curl in a ball and die. My parents are so strict I’m not even allowed to have social media, not allowed to use tampons and I did the dumbest thing a teen could ever do