21st birthday off to a bad start

Call me dreary or selfish or whatever.

My husband has been at a training for a month, I work this evening (actually pretty excited about it, new job), one of my bosses still hasn’t paid me for the work I’ve done the passed few days (I nanny on the side), my other job (I have 3) hasn’t scheduled me for 3 almost 4 weeks now, my parents have been hounding my hubby and I for kids since our miscarriage on Christmas last year (having fertility issues), I haven’t slept hardly at all for the last few weeks, and to top it allll off, my bank account is overdrawn because of little to no work and having to pay the bills anyway. Forgive me, but this is turning out to be kind of a shitty 21st.

Some words of encouragement please, anyone? I’m about to curl up in the bathroom and watch Riverdale on repeat while laying in an empty tub.