One cycle, two rounds of Femara?


Hey ladies! I had my third monitoring ultrasound this morning because my eggs weren’t growing like they were supposed to. My uterine lining also went from 5.7mm to 8.9mm to 5.5mm. And my largest follicle during my three U/S were 12mm. But since my eggs are “stalling” my doc has decided for me to start a second round of Femara tonight. I did 5mg, CD 3-7... today is CD15... tonight I’ll be doing 7.5mg for five days..

I just want to know if anyone else has been here? This month was going to be our first cycle <a href="">IUI</a> but I can’t seem to get my eggs where they need to be 😔 I was so hopeful for <a href="">IUI</a> and now I’m just disappointed...