Double rainbow, it was a true sign from my angel babies!

AJ • Expecting #2, 12/6/21 🌈 Baby Girl born 2/19/20 💕 2 MC: 10.5.18. & 3.25.19

On Friday evening I was outside in the garage when it began down pouring. Shortly after it stopped I looked up to see the most amazing full double rainbow.

I’ve suffered two 8-9 week miscarriages. Seeing not one, but two beautiful rainbows was the sign I needed from my lost babies to give me strength to keep going.

Today I knew I was hitting my 9/10 dpo and decided to go ahead and start testing.

To my absolute amazement before the 3 minute mark, I saw that beautiful second line.

Here I go again. 3rd times a charm, right?

All set with a little gift surprise wrapped up for my husband when he comes home.