Ready to give up 😭


I just don’t know what else to do. Baby will

be 7 days old tomorrow. I feel like I have tried so hard but breastfeeding has been so stressful and hasn’t been working no matter what I do. The lactation consultants in the hospital said how wonderful my latch was and that everything looked great with the way I was feeding him. Sometimes I can get him to latch beautifully and everything goes well. Other times he refuses to latch, pushes me away when I try to put him on the boob and screams uncontrollably. We have tried to take breaks and let him calm down and try again but he still refuses. Sometimes we will establish a latch and he will only nurse for a few mins and then spit it back out and continue to scream while going crazy with hunger cues. We have tried all different positions and that does not seem to make a difference. He doesn’t have a tongue tie. He is stressed, I am stressed, and I am worried about baby needing to eat. I am ready to break down and just pump and bottle feed. Does anyone have any insight/suggestions?