Do you see it? It that a positive?

I just tested 2 days ago and I got a negative (AF was due yesterday) I had some bright red spotting later that night that I tested (the 15th). I continued to have very light spotting off and on yesterday but not enough to even fill up a liner. I started to wonder why my full period hadn't come yet, as I haven't even had any pre menstrual syndromes, so I just decided to test today...I am not crazy right? I have so many emotions. I'm mostly calm and happy and just can't believe it. But I am a little sad that my almost 2 year old will now have to share Mommy. Thinking of ways to tell Daddy Bear.

Update 06.18.19

I retested today (3 times and different tests) and it is definitely a positive!!! Going to make Daddy a shirt that says "I make adorable babies" and make our daughter a shirt that says "adorable baby" with baby crossed out and "BIG sister" written underneath. Thank you everyone for the well wishes!!! Just tell him it is a late Father's Day present since our computer charger was broken and the new one comes in today and I couldn't make the shirts