Supply Issues


I'm in need of some advice. My daughter is almost a month old and I am still having supply issues. I pump every time I nurse except at night because I've noticed the less sleep I get the more stressed and depressed I am during the day which is leading to less milk. Its like a terrible vicious circle I can't seem to overcome.

Right off the bat we had to supplement with formula because my daughter didn't latch well and she was very jaundice. We got rid of the jaundice but she then got evaluated for and had a tongue tie. Now that it is fixed she will sometimes latch and sometimes cry until I put the shield on but as soon as I get her to the breast she falls asleep (no matter how much I tickle her feet or have her undressed) until I pull her off. Once I pull her off she cries until I supplement her with formula or breastmilk. I think she falls asleep because there just isn't enough to keep her interested. We are pacing her with the bottle but she just won't stay drinking at the breast.

On the flip side, when I pump (even if she doesn't nurse) I'm lucky to get 20ml total. If I were to tough out the tired and depressed days full of tears, how many days do you think it would take to get my supply up?

I'm so close to giving up but want so badly to be able to give her just breastmilk.