

Alright so this is how It all started

My childs father begged me for a child.

However when we found out I was pregnant he was all lovey dovey etc, and then He asked me to meet his daughters mother 🤦🏽‍♀️ I declined simply because I was aware and seen first hand that She has a bitter streak about our relationship. I hate drama

He proceeded to tell her that We had a child on the way and these were her exact words

"Since you wanna be a family with that bitch, if you let her keep that baby then you will never see your daughter again"

He later texted me "Im not losing my daughter for another child I cant afford so get the abortion".

However, I never responded saying sure or no. Im now 4 months in, and hes been reaching out ever since we found out, i was 8 weeks at the time. He's saying he wish he never asked me that and wants to have another one. However I feel he made it very clear that She (his daughters mother) holds power. So now Im wondering should I inform him that i kept MY child or continue ignoring him🤷🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ Advice and Input appreciated