C section and bleeding

Jinna • 3•11•17💍K.F.M 4•2•18👼G.G.M 6•1•19💙Military Wife💚

So, my son is officially a little over two weeks old, the first week he was home I bled a decent amount. Then it just stopped, I stopped wearing pads and I just had a massive gush of blood. It stopped fairly quickly, but it was a massive amount. I had been sleeping on the couch when I felt three huge gushes, when I stood up not only was my couch covered in blood but my jeans were completely soaked. I don't mean just the crotch, but it was the crotch and full butt side was completely covered in blood. This would be my idea of a soaked pad because it was a huge amount and this being my second full term pregnancy, I didnt experience that before.

I quickly waddled to the bathroom with a panicking husband asking me various questions and overall losing it.

The blood was brown, so it was old blood and I know old blood is typically not something to be worried about, but I have also experienced pressure like pain when I go to the bathroom, pee or poop it doesnt matter.

It feels like something is pressing against a nerve and the pain is in my lower back or gooch.

How many other women have experienced this? I know I'm dumb for stopping my pads and my couch is currently a showcase of my stupidity, but is this anything to worry about?

My husband called two advice lines, one being a regular nurse who said "you should probably make an appointment to be seen as soon as possible" but when he called labor and delivery they simply said "that's normal." Without asking about the amount of blood or really caring.

I've also experienced cramping in my ribs randomly, its nothing insane but definitely out of the ordinary.

The birth was a repeat c section by the way.

I apologize for being so nasty in describing, but I figure if I dont tell the entire story no one will be able to really tell me what I should do.

Ps, I'm back to wearing pads cause I feel like a dummy.