Our last baby's birth story. 06/14/2019


On Friday the 14th I was scheduled for and elective induction at 7am. We arrived at 645am per instructions. Well so did 3 other pregnant women in labor. So we sat around and waited and finally they told me I was fine and I wasn't going home. I just had to wait until 1230pm for extra nurses to come in and start my induction. My nurse ended up running late and not getting there until 130pm. She got an anesthesiologist to come get my IV started as I was GBS positive this pregnancy. They started antibiotics and fluids at 230 and then started the pitocin out very minimal so I could get my antibiotics in. By 4 they had increased my pitocin as my antibiotics were done. The doctor came in and checked me and broke my water. There was so much water; estimated like couple gallons worth it was just nuts, I never had that much with my girls. Then I got into the tub to labor a bit as contractions were picking up now. I sat in the tub for about an hour and a half. The monitor kept losing his heart beat so they had me get out to check him. It was about 545pm now as I got situated back in bed..I felt a bit anxious and scared we wouldn't get his heartbeat. As I laid in the bed the monitor picked up his heartbeat and talk about relief. They asked if I wanted and epidural yet and I said yes. The doctor came in and checked me and said I was a 5 and 80%. I got my epidural in and it worked perfectly. I kept getting some massive left hip pain though. (I had left hip pains most of my last few weeks of pregnancy). My nurse told me she was ending her shift and would be handing me off to the next nurse soon. By this time it was a little after 7pm. The next nurse came in checked my cervix I was a 6cm and noticed that my little boys heart rate kept having some deceleration during contractions she had me use the peanut ball and put some oxygen on me and turned the pitocin off. I told her that my left hip pain was feeling worse and I was feeling pressure but not low enough in my butt yet. She had just checked me so she notified the doctor. Then my little boys heart rate kept dropping scary low they had me keep oxygen on and had me get on all fours. This worked for a few minutes but my hip pain was immensely bad now and I was crying. She called paged the doctor and pushed for bolus of my epidural. The doctor came in explained she was going to put an internal monitor on his head inside me. Once that was placed I was able to calm a bit. It was about 815 at this point. I was still a 6cm. Then all of a sudden my hip pain got even worse just minutes after the doc left. His heart rate started to decelerate again. I asked the nurse to check me and she said I was about a 6.5cm. I was trying to tell her how bad my hip pain and pressure felt and as I was the doctor came back in and checked me she said I was 9cm. They called the neonatal team in and other nurses etc. I started pushing at 836pm and it was the longest I have pushed for any of my babies. I pushed until 9:09pm when he was born. He was sunny side up with the cord wrapped around his neck two times. No tears or stitches. Also my biggest baby weighing in at 8lbs 5oz and 19inches long. Also my cleanest baby, he had minimal vernix on him! I will miss tiny babies. This was our last. Thank you for reading!!!