We made it

We made it!

Our Son was due May 24th. He arrived at 11:18am on June 5th. I was 41weeks + 5 days and scheduled to be induced at 7:30 am

My alarm clock was set to 5 so i would have time to shower. Contractions woke me up at 4 so I laid back and timed them. They were about 10-15 mins apart. I got up at 5 to shower. Woke my mother who was sleeping on the couch. The contractions continued to come in waves. They were short but painful so I wasn't taking them as seriously until they were starting to feel on top of each other. That happened to be about the time we were supposed to leave anyway. My two year old was in the backseat with my mom while my husband drived. With each contraction, i groaned into a blanket. I was worried about my daughter seeing me in pain.

When we arrived at the hospital they were about 2-4 minutes apart (i think). I had to stop in the hall with a pain and the nurse chuckled at me and said "well thats a good sign"

They checked me and I was already 5cm! I couldn't believe it! 😁

I labored in my room, on a yoga ball, in the tub, then finally on my back. When my nurse Janet, checked me and found I was at an 8 and my water hadn't broken they suggested we break my water. It was clear and we cheered before he started descending fast. I squirmed until they told me I could push and I don't know where I found it in me, but I pushed him out in two pushes! It was painful, intense and lovely all at the same time. I went to that primal place where the only pain relief for me was growling like an animal. It felt fierce.

I'm almost 2 weeks out from that and the euphoria is crashing hard. This is by far worse than the actual labor. Send advice and prayers.