
Sorry for the "inappropriate title" but this is NOT a BFP/ announcement post.

I have been trying for 20 months already.(nearly 2 years)

Summary (you can skip thru to the bottom)

Sept 2017- started actively trying

Nov 2018- first visit to fertility specialist, first round of 50 mg clomid, follicle monitoring @ cd14 showed a slightly smaller dominant follicle

Dec 2018- second round of clomid(100mg), dominant follicle measures 22mm at cd 14, diagnosed with PCOS (I think my ovaries were hyperstimulated)

Jan 2019- skipped appointments due to hectic work sched

Feb 2019- fertility specialist decided I will switch to femara once I get my period,

Mar 2019- no period

April 2019- period was 16 days late, got a faint line, non progressive (I think it was a chemical), proceeded with femara 2.5mg and trigger shot, used preseed,

May 2019- used preseed, took femara 5mg

June 2019- supposed to get hsg done but I am on work travel.

I have been avoiding hsg because some women find it painful but I am so looking forward to doing it this cycle but the doctor told me, it would be late for the test by the time I arrive. (out of town for work)

My point is to ask if there is someone here who concieved after 2 years of bfns? I just need hope because I feel so hopeless right now. I feel like I may have blocked tubes, I know I wont know that until I test but I need to wait for one month before I can do that so please share ur insights.