Implantation or spotting?


My periods are super irregular with extra long cycles. I’m not temping as of now (planning to after this cycle, if I get my period) but I do track my cervical fluid. I had EWCM on May 28th and again on June 1st, I then had a pinkish discharge when I wiped on June 12th, just once, and then a tiny bit of spotting the next morning when I wiped then nothing. I have not had any spotting since but a tiny but after me and my boyfriend BD on Sunday night. I took an equate digital test on June 16th (4 days after initial pink discharge) and got a negative. I’ve had cramping coming on and off, usually my period cramps only last a few days but these have been going on since I first spotted in June 12th. I’m scared to take another pregnancy test and have it be negative. Does this sound like implantation bleeding? Early pregnancy at all? Online it says the sensitivity of the equate brand is 50 ml, is that sensitive enough to pick up pregnancy 4 days after implantation? I have never ever spotted in between periods. This past October I had random spotting for a few days and found out I was pregnant December 5th and miscarried about two weeks later. Looking for any insight tips or opinions! Thank you in advance!