Vaginal tear and sex 6 week after birth


i am a first time mum, and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or am I freaking out for nothing. This post is a bit of a rant so bare with me..

I had my bub almost 6 weeks ago. So yesterday me and my husband decided to have sex for the first time after the birth(which was vaginal). However we thought it might be best if he checked how my stitches on the lip area had healed. He mentioned that there seems to be a membrane

(possibly the labial) which had connected itself from one side to the other.

Very stupidly we decided to have sex anyway. He only managed to penetrate a centimetre before I felt a sharp pain followed by slight bleeding, we had managed to tear the membrane from one side.

Since then it has burnt while I pee, and has been uncomfortable ever since. I’m unable to get a doctors appointment until the day after tomorrow, due to their availability.

Has anyone had this weird experience? Also how did you deal with it? Will I be expected to visit a gynaecologist? Or am I freaking out for no reason?