
So a while back I had an hsg test and it showed my right tune was “blocked.” The Dr said he was fairly certain it was truly blocked and had not just spasmed and looked closed. There was very little spillage. The Dr said it is possible but very unlikely for the other tube to pick up an egg from the right ovary. He suggested having lap done to get tube cleared. 2 months later with fertility treatments (has already been doing fertility tx for several months at that point) my right ovary had 2 good mature follicles. We decided to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> anyway because at that point my deductible was met and it was covered. Anyway, I got pregnant that cycle. Unfortunately it ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks. That was my first pregnancy.

Does anyone have similar situation? I’m hesitant to do lap because it’ll be out of pocket and I don’t want to waste the money if everything is truly clear.