Hey girls... first time poster here. I’m nervous about sharing but I need some opinions or just some words...

I have a 2 year old daughter. Just turned 2 on the 18th of May. She is my absolute world. Her pregnancy was an amazing time in my life and her birth went smoothly for the most part. I really would like to have another baby for my daughter to have a sibling. More So for her than myself. Although I want to I am scared for pregnancy and the birth... I was diagnosed with a heart condition called SVT when I was 8 years old and recently had a procedure to fix it. After my daughters birth my heart started acting up. Hence why I got the procedure to fix it... my heart condition / procedure gives me a lot of anxiety.... to the point where I am afraid of being home alone with my daughter for long periods of time, I am afraid to drive alone for long distances.... it’s just this anxiety that I have gotten and I have been trying to get rid of for quite a while... and now that I am finally taking steps towards fixing it and I feel like I’m getting so much better... but I get scared that my heart is fragile and pregnancy takes a toll on your body... My heart surgeon told me that I am perfectly healthy enough to have another baby. And that I should actually.... he told me to not wait... And every person in our family wants us to have another baby so badly... i do too. I’m just scared for the pregnancy / birth.

I just took a pregnancy test this morning and found out I am pregnant with baby number 2. I don’t even know how to feel. I set a dr appt in 2 days... My husband and myself only had sex 5 times in the past 2 months... I want another baby for my daughter but I am terrified.... I didn’t have anxiety with my daughters pregnancy... any other moms out there that have a similar situation? Or just some opinions? Thoughts? Reflections? Thank you for reading if you got this far.