Birth Story! Induction & Raw Birth Photo

Jayd • Mama to Bryton & Dominic 💙


I was due to have my little man on June 9th, and man oh man was I ready to have him. After two membrane sweeps while my husband was home (he works out of town so we wanted to make things happen when he was home) my doctor opted for a social induction.

June 3rd I had a lot of cramping, my bloody show etc etc, went to the hospital, they said it was early labour and to go home till it progresses more. We were so excited, because that was the day my husband got home so we were hoping our plan would work.

Few days later, I was still in early labour. That’s when my doctor offered my social induction for June 11th. We said yes, we were so ready to meet our little man.

June 11th rolls around and the hospital calls in the morning saying they were too busy for my induction... this happened 4 times!! Finally Saturday morning, June 15th they said they could take me at 10am.

Very excited we got everything in the truck & headed to the city!

Got to the hospital, and the doctor was busy until 1pm, so we waited till then and she inserted the cervidil. My contractions started almost instantly. I had been 2cm dilated since May 28th, so I was hoping it would move fast.

Man was I wrong.

Contractions picked up, but I wasn’t dilating. They gave me some morphine and gravol so I could sleep. Checked me again at 6am and still no progress, they were telling me I might have to do cervidil another day.

At 3pm on June 14th the doctor came to insert a new cervidil, only to find I was 4cm! So they whisked me off to labour and delivery and got me hooked up to oxytocin. Contractions increased in pain and frequency very fast, I requested a epidural at 6pm, the doctor came in at 7pm and was in and out with in 7 minutes.

The epidural was great! The pain disappeared, life was great!

Baby’s heart rate dropped a few times, they got it regular again very fast, I didn’t even know anything was wrong until after it was all done! My nurses were great!

At 11pm I requested to be checked, only to find I was still only 4cm. I was upset, but kept chugging.

About an hour later my pain increased, and increased. I was shaking so bad from the combination of hormones and pain. Got checked again at 1am, only to find out I was 8cm! 30 minutes later they had me pushing. Pushed for a little over an hour and a half. And at 3:10am on June 17th, the love of my life was born.

Bryton Nathan Cayn

7lbs 7oz. 20.25”

WARNING raw photo!

And now we’re home 💙💙