About as pregnant as it gets..


So me and my fiancé were just chilling cuddling on the couch, and I’m flicking through this app on my phone when I accidentally drop it onto his face..

So I’m crying with laughter and not just like a cute little laugh but like absolutely losing it laughing just because the situation was so funny and the poor bugger is looking at me like what did I do to deserve this?

Then my top has rid up abit and I noticed I had some stretch marks on my back- so naturally (these are the first I’ve got- lucky me) I burst in to tears, like full on, how could the world do this to me tears- whilst still laughing..

My fiance is in full on confusion mode now, just looking at me like 🤦🏼‍♂️ where do I start..

Then I farted- which as sad as it sounds we just don’t really do in front of each other- he gracefully ignored me seen as I was still balling my eyes out.

So my darling fiancé has just been smacked in the face and is now consoling this pregnant mess who still can’t work out if she’s laughing crying or crying crying

Oh and ofcourse I peed a little 😂😂

And that right there just sums up pregnancy..

Can my baby come out now please I think I’m done 😂