My boyfriend never wants to go out 😔

Okay so me and my boyfriend have almost been together for 6 months. I am 16 and he is 17 but turning 18 soon. The last time we went out on a date was January! That was at the start of our relationship. Since then he hasn’t asked to go on a date night or showed any interest in going out and doing something fun. Every time we see each other we just hang out at my house or his house. It’s been bothering me because I see my friends and everyone else our age going out on dates and I never get to do that. I’ve kind of brought it up with him but he just brushes it off because he doesn’t think it’s a big deal. He goes out with his friends and spends all of his money with them, I just want to feel appreciated and do something fun because staying in with him all the time is getting boring. I feel guilty bringing it up because I feel like I’m asking for him to buy me dinner or spend money on me but I’d obviously be happy to pay for myself. Every time I’ve mentioned it or hinted something he always says we’ll go out and then it never happens. I don’t know what to do because now it’s summer it’s really bothering me, any advice?