Break up


So I was dating this guy he’s almost 16 and he was very sweet in the beginning and then he started to be abusive verbally and I took it as he was joking around about it and I didn’t think anything of it so then he started physically abusing me and he pushed me down the stairs pulled my hair hit me and my mom always asked me where all the bruises came from and I’d always made up a lie about them and said it was something else when it really was him so I have depression I was diagnosed with it and I tried to kill my self once because of him and he broke up with me and went out with a girl I hate then he tried getting back with me I was still in love with him and I didn’t know what to say so I said yes and then he broke up with me again I tried to kill my self again and then he ended up going out with my best friend I stopped talking to her and then I stopped talking to him but I can’t stop thinking about him and I wanna talk to him but I hate what he did and I still have feelings for him and I just want them to go away but they won’t and I don’t know how to get them to go away and stop thinking about him because he hurt me really bad