Really struggling with hospital bedrest

So tomorrow I’m 28 weeks pregnant. Been in the hospital 4 days because I was bleeding. Baby was fine but I was dilated ton1 cm and having contractions on and off. The had put me on magnesium and I’ve also had steroid shots for the baby. Early this morning I woke up cause I felt like stuff was coming out and it was a HUGE clot. And blood. So they’re telling me to be prepared to be in here for the long haul. Not sure exactly what’s going on possible placental abruption or labor but cervix is super thick and not dilating anymore but they want me in here for my and baby’s safety. The problems is I have an 8 month old and my boyfriend and I have no family here and not much close friends really everyone is busy with their own lives so my family drove from a different state Friday to pick up our son to watch him for us as long as we need. It is the hardest thing because I want him home I just don’t know what to do! It’s really hard for them to stay a long time here with him cause they work. And my grandmother will watch my son during the day while my mom works then my mom picks him up. I feel like a failure though I want to be the one taking care of him. I feel like this is making me depressed