So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about 4 years and we always been good never had cheating problems or anything now there has been times I’ve caught him liking other women’s freaky pics and texting women but it was towards the beginning so this happend like 1 month ago I decided to get a fake number and text him I wasn’t thinking nothing of it because he’s a GREAT guy like Litterally so I was texting him and he ended up saying he had a girlfriend but he wanted a loyal side piece And the convo went on he was talking about meeting up with her having sex ,sent dick pics etc so I ended up ending the whole thing because I was having bad anxiety about it and was hurt but he still to this day doesn’t know that it was me so he ends up confessing to 2 other occasions and since then he’s confessed he has a lust problem and he has an album full of naked anime women in his phone 🤨 and he said that’s helping him which I’m not tripping about my problem is how do I get over this I’m just so hurt because we always talk about stuff like this and I tell him let me know if anything were to happen and he’s a confident man so he made me feel like he was 100% but now I just really feel betrayed and broken I know I shouldn’t have never texted him I just cry so much because those texts can’t get out my head and some of the stuff he said during that period POSITIVE VIBES ONLY PLEASE !