Getting induced at 39 weeks!!


So I’m pregnant with my second baby boy. My original due date was 06/27. After hearing so many things from people including my OB doctor, “labor and delivery should be really easy as a second time mom”. I believed that to be true, and almost felt like I could predict when my baby would arrive...Little did I know, but things did not go as I envisioned them.

Last wed I started getting contractions, some mild and some moderate. By Thursday after my prenatal appt, contractions had gotten worse, but by Friday I knew I had to be in the hospital. However, for fear of not being dilated enough, I decided not to go and wait it out.

Friday I have had my prenatal appt, and to my surprise, I was already 3 cm dilated and about 60% effaced, also baby’s head was sitting pretty low in my pelvis. Saturday came and my contractions had gotten even worse, so I told my hubby, let’s go to the hospital, I think I’m ready.

We get to the hospital, and was told I was 5 cm dilated 90% effaced. In my head I’m thinking this is great, I’m having my baby today... sadly enough after hours of constant contractions, those became very sporadic and no longer painful... needless to say I was sent home. I was so upset and disappointed, but nothing was happening, and given that I was 38 w 2d, induction was out of the question.

Out of desperation, I called my OB and asked to move my Friday appt to this past Tuesday. Midwife saw me and said we can induce you this Thursday as you will be 39 weeks by then. Baby’s head is so low in my pelvis, it hurts so bad to walk.

Has anybody had this happen to them? How can you have strong contractions for days, dilated to 5 cm, almost 100% effaced and yet not go into full labor???

I’m extremely excited I get to meet my little one tomorrow.