Soo upset 😭


I went to L&D last night at 8pm because I was having contractions 4-5 mins apart and they were hurting my lower back everytime I'd get one. They hooked me up to the monitors and they were coming every 3 mins! They checked me and I was 2 1/2 cm and very soft. They had me walk for an hour and checked again. While I was walking I was having so much back pain everytime I got a.contraction I had to stop and breathe through them and my husband had to rub my back. They checked me again and I was still only 2 1/2 cm so they sent me home. I went home and went to sleep and they effing stopped!! 🤬🤬

I don't understand how they just stopped when they were so painful and so consistent and Ive had nothing like this before. I seriously thought it was time. My contractions were off the charts!

Has anyone else had this happen? Now I can't go to work cuz Im so exhausted and just angry but she said it could still be days before I go into labor!! 😭