Twin advice? Head is all over the place.i


My head is away! Thought i was 8weeks this week, went for an early scan on monday after losing a blood clot with no other blood at all or since. An was told theres twins but only one yolk sac is visible and only measuring 5weeks and she couldn't get at the other one close enough to see if theres a yolk sac there or not. Have to go back in 10days to see if theres any growth! Im convinced ive lost one and the other has stopped growing but im being told to stay positive. I dont know how! Has anyone been in a similar situation? They didnt do any blood work


I dont know if its in my head or what but it seems when i am up an about walking around i lose a brown discharge and when i rest i have nothing.

Although i have heartburn and still really tender boobs so im praying that's a good sign?