Needing to vent

My daughter turned 2 at the beginning of this month. I didn't plan on nursing even half this long but here we are. She's very attached, people kept saying that she'd just start eating more food and nursing less eventually. Well we've not gotten there yet. She would still nurse like a newborn if I'd let her.

I am now almost 12 weeks pregnant with #2 and the nighttime nursing is killing me. She still wakes up 3 or 4 times a night to nurse, especially right now because she's getting her 2 year molars. The loss of sleep is bad enough but it's my painful/ sensitive nipples that are making it really hard. I use to be able to sleep while she would nurse but it's so uncomfortable now that I just can't. I'm so ready to wean but between her not eating a lot yet and her teething I would just feel so bad. I just don't know what to do.