

I am young and my man and I wanted a baby. We were trying for months and nothing. Then one day I didn’t get my period two weeks before that I was getting. Sick I felt sick almost every day super hot felt sick and nautious. Then I took a pregnancy test and it said I was pregnant. We were so happy. I was pregnant for 2 months. Then one day I didn’t feel hungry I didn’t feel anything and I started having what I thought was light spotting bleeding which is said to be normal. Ended up using a pad then another and another that’s when I went to the doctors and they said I have a threatened miscarriage. It made me think that maybe it was just a threat nothing real the doctors told me to just get rest that everything will be okay. I went home and had a sudden urge to pee...and it just..it just came out all over big clumps of blood just everywhere and I remember screaming and screaming. My parents live in another state but all I wanted was my mom to hold me. So I got my boyfriend and I started crying and crying I said babe that’s our baby. I couldn’t stop crying I ended up running a bath all I wanted was the blood to be off me to feel like it never happened but when I got out I saw the clumps on the napkin and I just started crying all over again. I felt hopeless I still do we wished for a baby for a while and we prayed every day and we got it..however brief the period of time was we had out little bean growing them it was gone. I feel horrible because I never knew how much it wud hurt to feel like that. I don’t think people know the pain until their in it themselves. The bond that a woman gets while carrying a child no matter how small or how young it is or how new it’s a bond that you can’t take away a feeling that when loss it’s horrible. It’s been about 1 month now and I had my first period since then and if anything my period is just a brutal reminder of the child that I lost.