40+ 1 and got the green light!!!


Today was my final scan and baby is apparently going to be 9lb 2oz (I don't set much stock by these estimates) I had my 4th sweep in 7 days which was one of the most painful experiences I've had and I'm on baby number 5! And doctor has got me in tomorrow morning to be induced. I so desperately wanted to go naturally hence all the sweeps, as much sex as my husband could manage and as much walking as my body could manage but now my spd has started affecting my bump muscles leaving me in chronic pain it's time to admit defeat and take doctors advice and start the induction process. After today's sweep I'm giving it one last push I'm waiting for my husband to get back from work then we're going for a walk and going to have the most unappealing sex before tomorrow morning. I am excited to hold my little man but I'm also a little disappointed we couldn't get it going a bit more naturally