Induction experience 2nd baby @ 41w+1day


Hi there, I just wanted to let you know my induction experience. It’s something I was hoping never to have my first came on DD & just happen all naturally, but after a scan at 41 weeks & the estimation weight being 9lb 6oz I decided to be induced.

I was already 4cm dilated at this point so they broke my waters first.

I started with contractions every 4/5 minutes regular lasting 40 seconds or so. I thought great it’s worked & won’t need the hormone drip. I was wrong 😔.

After around 2.5hours the contractions started to be further apart not strong. Like 7 mins apart. I was gutted.

I was started on the hormone drip, on the lowest dosage to start with 1ml, The dosage would increase after 30 minutes 1ml, 3ml, 5ml, 7ml & 9ml unless the contractions were strong enough & regular then they would stop the dosage. I think they stopped mine after around an hour n half so around 5ml, I started on gas & air to help with the contractions. My contractions started getting strong after 1.5hours, I had long strong contractions these lasted over 1 minute, around 3/4minutes apart. I then started feeling the need to push.

My midwife would tell me to just listen to my body. I was stood up at this point still, I felt the need to be on the bed. So up I went, & started pushing. After maybe 10 hard pushes around about an hour later his head was out. Another 3 pushes later he was born.

My induction experience was good, I would of preferred not to have it, but really didn’t have the choice as the risk of infection was high now my waters had been broken.

My experience as a second baby is although I ended up being induced and it was a waiting game being overdue I think it was a better birth. As in lasted shorted & the pains were just as intense but didn’t need to go through as many.

All I can say it try not to be scared. Also don’t be scared if your scan comes up with a big baby when he was born at 8lb 2.5oz not 9lb 6oz. They do predict wrongly & make your emotions go wild.

Listen to your body. You can do it
