Feeling beat


My finance and I were so happy in November when we found out were were pregnant. This meant the even more to him after losing his daughter at 23 weeks from a previous relationship about 5 years ago. In late December we got the worse news of all that out baby had no heartbeat it was deviating. Than 3 weeks later I lost my mom . It’s has been a emotional roller coaster ride. We have been trying for our rainbow baby ever since December . I am due for AF in 3days and took a pregnancy test and got of course another neg. ever month I swear I get that it like my heart break ever time .Between taking my temp , checking cervical mucus ,and ovulation kits its become so overwhelming and so emotional. It’s the hope and crossing the finger then getting let down ever month . Have doctors appointment July 2 but just not sure how much more my heart can take it ,never mind putting him though the hope of another child only to be let down again 🙏🙏😢🥺