Gradually Weaning

Shahad • FT Mama to my sunshine boy 💙 Hamad 💙

Hi guys! I need some help. My son is 10 months old and I’ve decided to wean him at around 1 year or whenever my stash runs out. I still pump 4 times a day and frankly I’m done. It’s such a pain, I’m so done with planning my day around 4 pumping sessions and it’s the worst pumping at work, especially in a workplace that isn’t flexible enough to help. My friend and I have been forced to either find an abandoned office (which means it’s in plain view of everyone and short doors mean everything including the milk dripping can be heard), or pump in the bathroom which is so gross at work.

So I’m wondering, is it possible to go 8 hours between pumps? I usually make 1000ml (33oz) a day with four pumping sessions. So I guess I’m okay if it decreases a bit since my baby drinks less than that. But I don’t want it to stop completely or decrease significantly!

How can I go about eventually stopping at 1 year?

(I don’t breastfeed anymore, so pumping is the only factor)

With my decreased work hours, it’s 7.30-1.30

So I leave the house at 6.45 and get home at 2.

I usually pump at around 6.15am.

I used to pump at work at 12pm. Can it wait until I’m home?

And how soon can I make it only mornings and nights?

Sorry for the novel but I didn’t organize my thoughts before writing. Please help!