My boss and coworkers are amazing!

Megan • Mom to a 2yo boy, baby girl due July 2019! 💙💗

Sorry if this isn’t the right group..

I’m due July 17th and this is my second pregnancy. I don’t like a lot of attention and I don’t really need anything so I told my boss to please not throw a baby shower as it’s not necessary. They listened which I am thankful for!

Today upper management and administration (the other two girls I work with in my department) called me into the bosses office. I see a gift on the table and was touched. Then I open it and saw that they got me the freemie breast pump!!!!! My coworker told me about this previously and I did some research on it. I really wanted to get it so I wouldn’t be tied down to an outlet, especially since I have a 2yo. But I couldn’t see spending nearly $300 when I already received a free pump from my insurance. The freemie will allow me to be completely mobile, I can even pump at my desk while I work. I was told the motor is extremely quiet and barely noticeable. I could even go grocery shopping while pumping! Oh the possibilities!

I am so touched and so thankful for the people I work with! I don’t know how to thank them enough! I can’t wait to try it out!